Process security in the polishing of vehicle components

Automotive supplier


Suppliers to automobile manufacturers produce in large quantities and deliver just in time. Aluminium decorative trim, roof rails, radiator grilles, rims and coated interior components made of plastic or wood are polished in automated production lines. Consistent quality and short throughput times count. Especially when processing parts with large surface areas, the scrap rate has to be low. Menzerna is the partner of choice when it comes to reliably supplying fully automated polishing systems with polishing emulsions. Cost advantages through high volumes with great flexibility and a large variety of products – Menzerna rises to this challenge every day.

Polishing emulsions for processing


Are you an automotive supplier looking for a quality polishing agent for aluminum surfaces?

Polishing emulsions for processing

Painted surfaces

Are you an automotive supplier looking for a quality polishing agent for finished surfaces?

Menzerna keeps automobile industry suppliers competitive

The Right Partner for Automotive Suppliers

Does your company work on exterior car parts for the automotive industry or give exterior car parts a high-gloss finish?
Menzerna’s range of products for automotive suppliers includes polishing emulsions, solid polishing compounds, and paint polishes. From hand polishing to application in fully automated polishing systems. Polishing emulsions for aluminum or stainless steel are used for polishing roof rails, rims, radiator grilles, and trim. Finished plastic surfaces like air vents and insets in the dashboard are refined by hand or automatically with solid polishing compounds. There is also a selection of solid polishing compounds and liquid polishing compounds available for varnished wood on the steering wheel or lacquered applications in the car interior. With Menzerna, automotive suppliers constantly achieve high surface quality with economical consumption values.

How can we help you?

If you have any questions about our products and services, please do not hesitate to contact us.